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Schwarzkopf Igora Royal 60ml (3-0)

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Also available in 1-0, 1-1, 3-65, 3-68, 4-0, 4-13, 4-6, 4-63, 4-68, 4-88, 4-99, 5-0, 5-00, 5-1, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-63, 5-65, 5-7, 5-88, 6-0, 6-00, 6-1, 6-12, 6-63, 6-65, 6-77, 6-88, 6-99, 7-0, 7-00, 7-1, 7-4, 7-55, 7-65, 7-77, 8-0, 8-00, 8-1, 8-11, 8-4, 8-65, 8-77, 9,5-1, 9,5-22, 9,5-4, 9-0, 9-00, 9-1, 9-4, 9-55, 9-7, 9-98.

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Warning, this product is a product for trained professionals only by purchasing this from Hairsupermarket you accept that you are trained to use this product.

Schwarzkopf Igora Royal.

Schwarzkopf Igora Royal offers a highly professional permanent hair colour in an exciting range of colours.

Designed from a colourists perspective for ease of use Schwarzkopf Igora Royal is a premium range of colours to give fantastic results for your customers.

Schwarzkopf Igora Royal is a Permanent Colour range to be used with Igora Royal Oil Developer 10 Vol, 20 Vol, 30 Vol 40 Vol.


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